Property & neighbourhood standards

We have certain rules in place to help ensure that properties meet general health, safety, and cleanliness standards.

Report a concern


If an inspection is needed based on the reported issue, we will complete it within 10 days of receiving the request. 

An inspector may contact you for more information, or to schedule an inspection. An inspection appointment is not always required. 

The inspector will provide a summary of what was found during the inspection to the property owner.

If there is a violation of the Neighbourhood Liveability By-law 1/2008, a notice is issued to the property owner via registered mail to fix it. If the property owner does not comply, we may issue a ticket.

Standards for Maintenance of Residential Properties  (2-page printable document)

Property standards

The address number of each principal building must be displayed so that it is clearly visible from the street. 

Building numbers must be at least 8 cm (3 inches) in height. The colour of the number should contrast with the colour of the structure to which it is attached. 

Back lane address numbers

When a property is adjacent to a back lane, the number assigned to the building must be attached to the building, fence, or accessory structure and visible from the back lane.

Property owners are expected to maintain their property or residence so that insects or rodents do not become a nuisance.

If you have problems related to your rental unit, first contact your rental manager, owner, or caretaker to advise them of the problem. If the problem is not resolved, you can file a complaint with the City by contacting 311

The owner/occupant of the property adjacent to a boulevard is responsible for maintaining the portion of the boulevard that is adjacent to the property, including: 

  • Ensuring grass is no more than 15 cm (6 inches) high
  • Ensuring other vegetation, other than turf, is no more than 1 metre (3 feet) high
  • Controlling noxious weeds (weeding and mowing)
  • Keeping the boulevard free of garbage

A vehicle is considered derelict if it:

  • Is not in operational condition AND
  • Is wrecked or partly wrecked, rusted or dismantled or partly dismantled AND
  • Is not insured and registered under The Highway Traffic Act and does not have a current, valid licence plate attached to it AND
  • Is left entirely or partially located outside a building

We will issue an order to have the derelict vehicle removed. Failure to comply with the order could result in its removal. 

A fire pit must be at least 3 metres (10 feet) from any combustible buildings, structures, fences, trees, overhead wires, etc.

Fires must be attended to at all times and an adequate supply of water, sand, or other extinguishing material must be on hand.

You can only burn clean, dry, unpainted and untreated wood, and no grass, leaves, brush, or tree prunings.

For more information, see:

Properties must be maintained and free of any accumulation of junk, litter, or debris. Garbage and recycling carts should be brought onto the property after collection. 

Learn more about recycling and garbage collection

The sale of spray paints and other materials commonly used to do graffiti is restricted by the Graffiti Control By-law.

Learn more about our graffiti control program and how to request graffiti removal

If you have problems related to your rental unit, first contact your rental manager, owner, or caretaker to advise them of the problem. If the problem is not resolved, you can contact the province’s Residential Tenancies Branch for assistance, or you can file a complaint with the City by contacting 311.

We will investigate any complaint regarding living conditions inside a home, as well as yard conditions. 

Dumping garbage, refuse, or construction debris on any street, public place, or another individual's private property is prohibited.

    Placing garbage into a bin without permission is not considered illegal dumping.

    Report illegal dumping

    If you see someone dumping garbage, let us know by contacting 311. Be prepared to provide any of the following information:

    • Identity or description of the individual(s) committing the illegal dumping
    • License plate and description of vehicle(s) used
    • Date and time of the incident
    • Items or materials disposed
    • Photos or video evidence if available

    You cannot leave a handbill on residential property if:

    • There is a sign on the property stating something like “No handbills”, “No flyers”, “No trespassing”, or “No peddlers or agents”
    • The occupant indicates in some other way that handbills/pamphlets are not wanted
    • The property is vacant

    You must place a poster or handbill on a residential property in a way that it will not blow away. 

    You cannot leave a handbill/poster on a vehicle.

    You can only put a poster up on private property if you have the permission of the owner or occupant of the property.

    A roadside memorial is an on-site marker that commemorates the passing of an individual or individuals as a result of a collision.

    • Roadside memorials must not create a hazard or obstruction to vehicles or pedestrians
    • Roadside memorials are not permitted on a median or on a traffic island
    • The entire memorial must occupy a space no more than one metre in height (measured from the road surface), one metre in width (measured along the roadway), and one metre in depth (as measured perpendicular to the roadway)
    • Objects that can shatter such as vases or glasses are not permitted to be a part of the memorial
    • The name and telephone number of the person responsible for the memorial and the date of installation must be included on the memorial
    • Installation of the memorial should not cause any damage to the right-of-way, including trees or structures
    • Elements of the memorial should not be attached to, or obstruct the view of any signs or traffic control devices
    • Roadside memorials which fall into disrepair, are damaged, vandalized, disfigured, or burned are subject to removal by the City at any time
    • The roadside memorial must be removed within 365 days from the date of the fatal collision

    The City may remove a roadside memorial if it contravenes these guidelines. In such a case, we will notify the individual responsible that the memorial has been removed and why.

    Learn about memorial bands

    The owner/occupant of a property is responsible for the maintenance of their property, which includes the conditions of the property, fence, and accessory structures, such as sheds and garages.

    • Noxious weeds must be controlled on a property
    • Fences must be maintained in weather resistant condition by application of paint or preservative and kept in good condition
    • Properties must be free from any accumulation of dog or animal waste
    • Properties must be maintained so that litter, refuse, or other debris do not accumulate so as to be unsightly
    • Properties must kept free of derelict vehicles or auto parts
    • Accessory buildings must be maintained and be protected with a weather resistant paint or preservative
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    This form is not intended to collect personal information; however, any personal information you choose to include in your comments is collected by the City of Winnipeg under the authority of section 36(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of improving our website and will not be used or disclosed for any other purposes, except as authorized by law. Contact the Corporate Access and Privacy Officer by mail (City Clerk’s Department, Susan A. Thompson Building, 510 Main Street, Winnipeg MB, R3B 1B9) or by telephone (311) if you have any questions about the collection of this information.