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Citizens Information Service
Public Works

Strategies & Action Plan FAQ

What are the Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies?
The Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies provide a long-range policy framework for active modes of transportation in Winnipeg over the next 20 years. The strategies were developed following consultation with more than 3,000 Winnipeggers and will assist in prioritizing active transportation infrastructure projects (based on further engagement with neighbourhood and local stakeholders on a per-project basis).
What is the Pedestrian and Cycling Action Plan?
The Pedestrian and Cycling Action Plan outlines the Public Service's annual recommendations for spending the yearly capital budgets associated with walking and cycling.
How will people be consulted about these types of projects in the short, medium and long-term?
The Office of Public Engagement will oversee all public engagement processes to ensure we better inform and engage citizens on City projects.
Will the Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies lead to construction?
On their own, no. They are visioning and planning documents that set the foundation for encouraging walking and cycling in Winnipeg. The Strategies recommend the City engage in neighbourhood-based public consultation, which will lead to design and construction.
Is the Pedestrian and Cycling Action Plan the only means to implement the Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies?
No. There will be many opportunities for the Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies to be implemented through existing road renewal programs, development projects, major capital projects and other initiatives.

Also, to help implement the plan, the City should seek strategic partnerships from other levels of government, the development industry and integration of cycling and pedestrian improvements with other plans and projects.

Does the Pedestrian and Cycling Action Plan require Council Approval?
The Public Works Department annually presents a listing of recommended Pedestrian and Cycling projects for approval by the Standing Policy Committee on Public Works.
Why do we need this Pedestrian and Cycling Action Plan?
The City needs to develop this yearly Pedestrian and Cycling Action Plan to identify upcoming projects and initiatives as part of its efforts to implement the Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies and keep it as a living document on an annual basis.

The Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies will provide direction for potential civic investments in infrastructure and support programs over the short, medium, and long-term, to help make walking and cycling in Winnipeg safe, convenient, attractive, and accessible.

What is the benefit of the Strategies, and for whom?
This project will improve the quality of life for all Winnipeggers. The City needs a roadmap to prioritize infrastructure programs and policy to support a growing and dynamic City in which most people are either currently walking or cycling, or want to do more.

Encouraging walking and cycling creates countless community benefits. Providing greater access and options for walking, cycling and transit will lead to improved health, increased personal mobility, more liveable and socially active communities, and reduce the footprint on the environment and the climate.

Last update: September 1, 2020

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