
Station and branch map

Branch locations

  • Headquarters & Fire Prevention - 2nd Floor, 185 King St.
  • Training Academy - 2546 McPhillips St.

Station locations

  • No. 1 Station - 65 Ellen St.
  • No. 2 Station - 55 Watt St.
  • No. 3 Station - 337 Des Meurons St.
  • No. 4 Station - 150 Osborne St.
  • No. 5 Station - 845 Sargent Ave.
  • No. 6 Station - 603 Redwood Ave.
  • No. 7 Station - 10 Allan Blye Dr.
  • No. 8 Station - 640 Kimberly Ave.
  • No. 9 Station - 864 Marion St.
  • No. 10 Station - 1354 Border St.
  • No. 11 Station - 1705 Portage Ave
  • No. 12 Station - 1780 Taylor Ave.
  • No. 13 Station - 799 Lilac St.
  • No. 14 Station - 1057 St. Mary's Road
  • No. 15 Station - 1083 Autumnwood Drive
  • No. 16 Station - 1001 McGregor St.
  • No. 17 Station - 1501 Church Ave.
  • No. 18 Station - 5000 Roblin Blvd.
  • No. 19 Station - 320 Whytewold Road
  • No. 20 Station - 525 Banting Drive
  • No. 21 Station - 1446 Regent Ave. W.
  • No. 22 Station - 1567 Waverley St.
  • No. 23 Station - 880 Dalhousie Dr.
  • No. 24 Station - 1665 Rothesay St.
  • No. 25 Station - 701 Day St.
  • No. 26 Station - 1525 Dakota St.
  • No. 27 Station - 27 Sage Creek Blvd.
  • No. 30 Station - 524 Osborne St.
  • No. 31 Station - 726 Furby St.
  • No. 36 Station - 2490 Portage Ave.

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